Don’t have the funds to buy a full flipper lens set yet? No problems – this flipper will take standard trial lenses from your existing trial lens set for you to make whatever you need.
- Lost your spielmann occluder? – put a frosted trial lens or a +15.00Ds into a slot as a makeshift occluder
- Potentially overplussed child? – add a -1.00Ds and retest their visual acuity
- Intermittent exotropia who may benefit from overminus? – trial anything up to -3.00Ds and ensure improved eye position, whilst maintaining visual acuity.
- Possible convergence excess esotropia? – try a +3.00Ds at near, and see whether their eye position and stereoacuity improves.
- Torsion assessment using double maddox rod? – use this empty flipper (Note: patient must have vertical deviation of at least 4 dioptres for this to work)