6/132 O'Connell St

North Adelaide
South Australia

0467 303 640

Please leave a message

Variable Working Hours

Weekend and evening appointments available

08 8121 7647

Fax number

Contact Us

Written referrals: 6/132 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide, South Australia, 5006
Email: reception@adelaideorthoptics.com.au

Phone: 0467 303 640

Fax: 08 8121 7647

Please note we are a part-time practice, and it may take a few days to get back to you. If you ring, our reception facility will take a message for one of the team to get back to you.
Opening Hours:
Our opening hours vary from week to week, but we are open most Mondays, plus some Thursday and Friday afternoons. We are also open one Saturday per month.

Visit us

6/132 O'Connell St, North Adelaide, South Australia, 5006​

Call us

Give us a call and we will get back to you.

0467 303 640

Fax Us

Fax us and we will respond as soon as we can.

08 8121 7647

Email us

Email and we will respond as soon as possible.