6/132 O'Connell St

North Adelaide
South Australia

0467 303 640

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08 8121 7647

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Kay Pictures Fixation Sticks – pack of 3


Fixation targets to make your clinic run that little bit smoother, with a wide variety of target sizes, detailed pictures to encourage fixation and a variety of near vision targets.

Great for ophthalmologists, optometrists and orthoptists working in children’s eye care.

To do your best work, you need the best equipment available!

Kay Pictures are a UK based company who produce high quality vision testing and fixation tools for eye care professionals.

Double sided sticks provide you with multiple fixation targets, including letters and kay pictures to encourage accommodation and steady eye fixation whilst performing cover tests for squint.

Two packs of 3 sticks available
– Infant
– Junior


To do your best work, you need the best equipment available!

Kay Pictures are a UK based company who produce high quality vision testing and fixation tools for eye care professionals.

Double sided sticks provide you with multiple fixation targets, including letters and kay pictures to encourage accommodation and steady eye fixation whilst performing cover tests for squint.

Two packs of 3 sticks available
– Infant
– Junior

Additional information


Infant Fixation Sticks (Pack of 3), Junior Fixation Sticks (Pack of 3)